Thursday, April 17, 2014


This past Tuesday I learned a lot about a new culture that I wasn't very familiar with. I was invited over by my boyfriends family to come and celebrate Passover with them! Going into it I thought that I was just going to have to sit around the table and make awkward conversation with them and maybe eat some new food I didn't know about and things like that and I excepted some Jewish traditions but not to the extreme it was! Not that it was bad in any way but it was just way more than I excepted it to be! There are so many traditional songs, stories, and foods to learn about. I celebrate Easter and I have never really experienced anything like this. Because just me going to a Seder once I will be referencing to a website which is linked at the end to help me explain things better that I may not know the correct term too or exactly what it means.
"The most important holiday in the calendar of the Jews is the one that marks the Passover. This day falls on the 15th day of 'Nisan' month and is celebrated with grandeur and a lavish display of food. Perhaps, the most important Passover tradition is the feast known as 'Seder'. The Seder is performed by Jews all over the world marking the end of bad times and celebrating their freedom from Egypt. A traditional feast consisting". When I first got there I saw that there was a giant packet on my chair that was about 40 pages and I was really confused. I think his dad could tell I was confused about it, so he explained to me that it was to help lead me through the dinner and it tells stories in there and we go around the table and read them out loud. There is a plate in the middle of the table which is the Seder plate and is a very important part of the dinner. It contains "Maror and Chazaret - two bitter herbs, Charoset - a grainy mixture of fruits and nuts, Karpas - A vegetable preparation other than bitter herbs, Zeroa - A roasted piece of lamb bone, Beitzah - A boiled egg. Along with all the five components, it is necessary to consume brackish water to remind them of the tears wasted and shed by the Jews during times of strife."

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