Sunday, April 20, 2014


Easter is wonderful time to see all your family and catch up on the time you have missed or barely seen them since Christmas. For my family we switch on and off of what side of the family my brother and I go to. This year I am at my moms side which is just an hour away from my house so its nice and I'm closer to this side but I am also the youngest on this side so all traditions and games have kind of went down hill. Growing up kind of sucks for that reason! 
It used to be that when we woke up in the morning we would get up and the Easter Bunny hid all the eggs in our house on our main floor and we would run around and find them all. We also got gifts in our baskets and we would get to run down the stairs and get all excited about it but growing up means you don't get to do that anymore.  I remember growing up how fun it would be and how you couldn't really sleep the night before cause of the excitement. I wish I still was that excited but it just isn't the same. Also when we used to go to my grandmas after and find the eggs and lots more candy and this year no eggs were hidden. I think part of it is because she just moved but also because we are all above the age of 15 year so there really isn't a point. Though I kind of wish we still did because I still think it would be a lot of fun. It was one of my favorite things to do on Easter. We luckily still brought all the egg dying stuff and a few of my older cousins did it with me for a little bit but about 15 minutes into it everyone had left me and I ended up painting the eggs all alone.
Though I shouldn't be complaining because that's not what Easter is about. I have a great family and we had good food on the table and enjoyed each others company which is all the mattered! I just wish  sometimes that holidays seemed as fun as they used to be when you were little that's all! I hope you all had a great Easter and are enjoying time with your family that you have.

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